Terms of Service for Restore Wellness Clinic

Welcome to Restore Wellness Clinic! Before diving in to use our services, please take a moment to review these Terms of Service. We've tried to make them easy to understand, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

What data do we collect?

We do not collect any health or medical information from website visitors. The only data we gather is:

Why do we collect this info? To provide our services, understand website usage, and communicate with you. Simple as that!

How is your data used?

In a nutshell, we use your data to power and improve our website. The contact details you provide allow us to respond to inquiries and maybe send you some sweet promotions (if you opt-in, of course).

As for technical data, that helps us:

We only keep data as long as needed for these legitimate purposes, securely disposing of it when no longer necessary. Your privacy is important to us!

Review terms and contact us with questions.

Who has access to your data?

Your data stays within Restore Wellness Clinic and trusted partners who assist with website operations and services. We never sell or rent personal information to third parties for marketing purposes.

That said, we may disclose data if required by law or to prevent fraud/abuse and protect our rights. But you can rest assured knowing we're committed to safeguarding your privacy.

What are your rights?

You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal data held by Restore Wellness Clinic at any time. Just let us know and we'll make it happen pronto!

We also provide an easy opt-out option for marketing communications, because your inbox is sacred. And if you ever want to put the brakes on us collecting certain data, like cookies? No problem—most web browsers allow you to manage those settings.

Oh, speaking of cookies...let's dive into that real quick:

Review terms and contact us with questions.

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