Andropause, also known as *male menopause*, is a condition that affects men as they age. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in testosterone levels, which can lead to various symptoms similar to those experienced by women during menopause.
Some key things to know about andropause:
- What causes it? Andropause is linked to a natural decline in testosterone that occurs as men age, typically starting around age 30. Contributing factors can include chronic health conditions, infections, medications, stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition.
- Common symptoms may include:
- Low libido and erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue, lack of energy
- Loss of muscle mass
- Increased body fat and weight gain
- Depressed mood, irritability
- Hot flashes, night sweats
- Diagnosis involves having blood tests to measure testosterone levels, as well as evaluating symptoms and ruling out other potential causes.
- Treatment options aim to replace missing testosterone through gels, injections, patches or tablets. Making healthy lifestyle changes can also help manage symptoms.
While andropause shares similarities with menopause, there are some key differences to keep in mind:
- Andropause is a gradual decline in hormones/symptoms vs a sharp hormonal drop
- Not all men experience severe symptoms or require treatment
- Testosterone replacement comes with side effects/health risks that require monitoring
The key is to recognize that
andropause is a natural part of aging. Working closely with your doctor at Restore Wellness Clinic can help determine the best way to address bothersome symptoms while staying healthy. Small, sustainable
lifestyle adjustments like improving diet, increasing activity levels, reducing stress, and getting quality sleep may be all that are needed to feel your best during this transitional life phase.